We are an independent further education corporation, formed under the Further & Higher Education Act 1992. So, what does the Board actually do? Our role is a strategic one. We don’t get involved in the day-to-day management but we do take legal responsibility for the College Group.
Who are we? Board members are known as ‘Governors’, individuals with a broad skillset and experience drawn from local communities and businesses, as well as from the public sector. The Board also includes staff members, student governors and the college CEO. The CEO (the only executive member on the Board) has a very busy but fulfilling role, being responsible for the entire operational running of ESC. They do however, have significant support; the Board is advised by a Director of Governance, a professional independent of college management who accesses independent professional advice. The CEO and Board are also supported by a ‘senior leadership team’ with educational, financial and other relevant expertise. The East Sussex College Group Board, CEO and leadership team work together to set and implement college strategy and to be responsible stewards of the college’s assets.